International Patient Services | Medical Trust Hospital, Cochin, Kerala

Helpline : +91 484-235-8001 ( 11 lines )
Advanced Booking : +91 484 - 235 8899 , 284 2200 , 284 2300
24X7 : +91 484 235 8035

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International Patient Services
Home / International Patient Services

Why Medical Trust Hospital?

Located at the heart of Kerala, one of the world’s most beautiful travel destinations, Medical Trust Hospital welcomes international patients from all over the world. From the moment that first contact is made to a well and happy patient's departure from Indian shores, MTH takes care of all ensuring the best amenities and facilities for our international patients.

We offer treatment and medical solutions for even the most complex health problems. Our team of internationally acclaimed doctors and healthcare specialists give hope to millions across the world.

Get your medical treatment, health check-ups, Cosmetic Surgeries done in Kerala along with a Medical Travel at a fraction of the cost at which it is done abroad - in the Europe or America.

Medical Trust Hospital offers World Class Medical Facilities, comparable with any of the western countries. We have well advanced and state-of –the-art medical facilities and the best qualified doctors 24 hours a day. Providing advanced technology and modern facilities, which are crucial to the delivery of high quality diagnosis and medical care, Medical Trust Hospital stands to be one of the most preferred medical destinations in India one could ever opt for.

Call us @ +91 999 54 31 505, +91 484 284 2705

Patient Information Centre at Cochin International Airport

Medical Trust Hospital has been running a Patient Information Centre at Cochin International Airport since 2002. This centre has been immensely useful for arriving tourists and patients. The centre is functional 24X7 manned by trained personnel from the hospital and the services are appreciated by the visiting population and medical tourists. This counter could be considered as the first initiative from Kerala to promote health tourism in an organized manner. For details Contact - +91 4842610141

Would you like to know more about our facilities and Health Tourism Services?

See our Travel Fact Sheet or Send us an Enquiry.
Call us @ +91 999 54 31 505, +91 484 284 2705

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